$RICH price prediction:
No one can predict when the hype and the team’s work together with the community will push the price, but we believe that $RICH will easily reach 1$ or more in the long term. We will try to integrate the project with other utilities to make the price more stable and profitable. One idea is to make using the Rich platform a paid service, not free, and add a fee tax with the Rich token, where the tokens will be burned. This could be part of later development phases, but early adopters will get it for free and forever. We have worked hard to make it as safe as possible. No team tokens, no possibility of being rugged, and a real, serious way to print rewards. We believe we are bringing something that will help people achieve their financial dreams with crypto: financial freedom and unlimited resources, helping everyone leave the trenches and stop gambling on pump-and-dump memecoins.
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