What is $RICH?
Rich is the first smart reward distribution platform on the Sol chain that provides users multiple ways to earn passive income through staking SOL on the Rich machine or simply by holding the token in the incoming phases of the project. By combining the meme part of the token with the rewards utility, we can say that this time it’s something more than a Ponzi, rewarding users with stable, forever passive income. How will people get passive income with Rich? Isn’t it a Ponzi? Rich is going to provide multiple connected ecosystems to provide rewards to users forever. Normally, Ponzi tokens or Ponzi websites keep rewarding users for a few months or even up to a year, but they eventually die when the volume goes down or when there are no new users. However, Rich is designed to stay forever, rewarding everyone and creating financial freedom. With Rich there is no need to worry about chasing pumps and dumps, and hypes, or risking your capital. You can simply inject it into Rich and let it print for you while you enjoy a relaxing, stress-free life. Rich Machine: The Rich Machine is the main utility of Rich. It’s a platform that allows users to stake their SOL for a stable daily 2% passive income. Users will be able to stake and unstake their SOL at any time without a lock period. The rewards will come from 4 different sources, not just one. The first source of the rewards will come from the buy and sell tax, and the second source will come from the withdrawal tax. We will make a 6% withdrawal tax, which will be returned to the pool every time a user withdraws from the Rich Machine platform. The third source will come from the Rich Reward Platform. The final source to stabilize the pool will be the users’ stakes themselves, which will continuously add extra funds to the pool. Rich Reward Platform: The Rich reward platform is going to be a token creation platform, like PumpFun. The key feature of this platform will be that it allows users to create reward tokens with just few clicks. The platform will ensure that developers do not have access to withdraw liquidity, have team tokens, or build backdoors into the rewards smart contract or script. The tax for token creators on the Rich Reward Platform will range from 1% to 10%. Additionally, 1% of all distributed taxes from the Rich Reward platform will be distributed to the Rich Machine and $RICH token holders in USDT SOL. So both Rich Machine users and regular holders, even without staking their SOL on the Rich Machine, will receive rewards. However, the rewards for Rich Machine users will be more stable and higher. What’s the difference between getting rewards from the Rich Machine and just holding the $RICH token? Rich Machine Rewards: The rewards from the Rich Machine depend on the initial capital staked. For example, if User A stakes 10 000$ worth of SOL, they will receive a stable daily reward of 2% of their deposit, which would be 200$ from the 10.000$ deposit. Additionally, the Rich machine will be an advanced platform where users can see how much total rewards they have earned, and it will have buttons for withdrawal, restaking, and taking profits. There’s no lock period like with normal staking, and there is no tax on taking profits or on deposits/restakes, but there is a 6% tax only on withdrawals. Holding $RICH token rewards: In the advanced stages of the project, after the Rich rewards platform launches, $RICH holders will automatically receive 1% of all taxes from the tokens launched on the Rich rewards platform. For example, if the platform’s tokens generate 100M$ in weekly volume, the 1% tax on this volume will be distributed to all $RICH holders = 1M$ in weekly rewards, which could be higher or lower depending on the volume. This reward will be distributed automatically to all holders. This system will work as long as there is a hype or volume around the Ponzi reward tokens. We’ve seen some tokens succeed in distributing big rewards to holders at the start, but then the rewards stop when the hype dies. While this may not last long, we still believe it will bring rewards to our holders.
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